

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 福建省 泉州 鲤城区 鲤城区温陵北路一帆商务楼102号
  • 姓名: 张先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:LED LED封装设备 灌胶机
  • 发布日期:2015-03-02
  • 阅读量:176
  • 价格:1.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:SG3X-72-15-380/400-5-001
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:木箱
  • 发货地址:福建泉州鲤城区  
  • 关键词:SG3X-72-15-380/400-5-001


    Super G2 - (SG2X)  and Super G - (SGX)			
    Part Numbers		Description	
    FC 300 SERIES 			
    SGX-30-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM,215/220,60 HZ	
    SGX-30-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM,230/240,60 HZ	
    SGX-30-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480,60 HZ	
    SGX-30-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600,60 HZ	
    SGX-38-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM,380/400-50 HZ	
    FLC 2000 3-PANEL 			
    SGX-30-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM, 215/220V, 60HZ	
    SGX-30-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM, 230/240V, 60HZ	
    SGX-30-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM, 460/480V, 60HZ	
    SGX-30-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM, 575/600V, 60HZ	
    SGX-44-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM, 380/400, 50HZ	
    FLC 503 (Standard)			
    SGX-34-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM,215/220,60 HZ	
    SGX-34-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM,230/240,60 HZ	
    SGX-34-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480,60 HZ	
    SGX-34-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600,60 HZ	
    SGX-50-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM,380/400-50 HZ	
    "FLC 513 (Standard)
    FLC 503 (Optional)"			
    SG2X-36-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480-60 HZ	
    SG2X-36-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600-60 HZ	
    SG2X-55-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM,380/400-50 HZ	
    "FLC 2000 4-Panel (Standard)
    FLC 504 (Standard)"			
    SGX-38-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM,215/220,60 HZ	
    SGX-38-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM,230/240,60 HZ	
    SGX-38-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480,60 HZ	
    SGX-38-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600,60 HZ	
    SGX-55-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM,380/400-50 HZ	
    SGX-55-15-415-5-001		1500 RPM,415-50 HZ	
    "FLC 514 (Standard)
    FLC 504 (Optional)"			
    SG2X-42-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480-60 HZ	
    SG2X-42-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600-60 HZ	
    SG2X-60-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM-380/400-50 HZ	
    Part Numbers		Description	
    EX MOTORS  *			
    EX-20-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM,215/220V,60 HZ	
    EX-20-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM,230/240V,60 HZ	
    EX-20-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM,460/480V,60 HZ	
    EX-20-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM,575/600V,60 HZ	
    EX-38-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM,380/400V,50 HZ	
    SUPER "G"  EX MOTORS *			
    EX-30-18-215/220-6-001		1800 RPM, 215/220V, 60HZ	
    EX-30-18-230/240-6-001		1800 RPM, 230/240V, 60HZ	
    EX-30-18-460/480-6-001		1800 RPM, 460/480V, 60HZ	
    EX-30-18-575/600-6-001		1800 RPM, 575/600V, 60HZ	
    EX-38-15-380/400-5-001		1500 RPM, 380/400, 50HZ	
    *Note - The above EX motors can only be mounted on units that are numbered MA002700 or higher.
    Super G2?
    Three year warranty 
    Continuous oil bath lubrication 
    78 decibels
    The patented Super G2? is the next generation of vibrating motors. Its continuous, internal oil-bath lubrication system ensures long life and robust maintenance-free operation. In addition to greatly extending the life of the motor, the hydrodynamic cushioning effect on bearing surfaces created by this unique lubrication system reduces friction, wear, heat, and sound (measured at 78 dBA). Sealed, continuous recirculation of lubricating oil maintains a fresh film of oil on all bearing surfaces at all times and prevents entry of contaminants. Super G2 motors carry a three-year warranty.
    欢迎来到泉州致泰贸易有限公司网站, 具体地址是福建省泉州鲤城区鲤城区温陵北路一帆商务楼102号,联系人是张先生。 主要经营柱塞泵,高压泵,液压马达,SUNFAB,CATPUMP。 单位注册资金未知。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!